Tuesday 11 April 2017

Muslims Shout F Jesus While Beating Australian man for Wearing a Cross!


It seems that no matter what some Muslims do, we are told to turn a blind eye, the governments pander to their demands, not giving the proper punishment to them but rather to us.  People are afraid to criticise Muslims for fear of being attacked verbally or physically, they will even kill.  What about vaginal mutilation on young girls?  Is anyone doing anything about this?  Some of these fanatics just think they will take over our countries and that they can make up their own laws.  This is their wish anyway, to take over the world and make everyone Muslims and follow shariah law.  They have absolutely no consideration for anyone who is not a Muslim, especially women and children.  They think their wives and children are only there to obey them and they must make all of the decisions for them, they have no say in the matter.  They are their belongings.  They have taken our jobs and maybe you will notice that they are employed everywhere in strategic positions.  Example :

  • Your Police Force
  • Your Army, Navy and Air Force
  • Your Hospitals
  • Your Post Offices
  • Your Public Transport
  • Your Social Security
  • Your Politicians
  • Your Town Halls
  • Your Commerce

To name a few of them.

Have you ever wondered what would happen if they took control of the above positions?  Knowing that their goal is to introduce shariah law world-wide, it would not be comfortable nor easy to be able to accept their ways and laws and to become Muslims ourselves.

Why do our governments allow this to happen I wonder.  All Muslims must be thoroughly checked and verified as legitimate immigrants to your countries.  I do not trust any government anywhere, as so many heinous crimes have been committed by some of these people.  Some of them have committed many crimes including murder.  When I think of all of those poor babies and children being used for despicable and warped reasons, my heart goes out to them.  I am an ordinary citizen and not wealthy or famous and I think what can I do to help?  Whoever is behind all of this cannot be human, - can they??

The world is undergoing enormous changes many of them not good for us!

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