Sunday 21 July 2013

"This is ToolsTeam 2.0 Early Registration"



Sign up (for free) for a new marketing system code-named "ToolsTeam 2.0".
It pays 100% commissions and there is a stampede to get in!
It has a 4x10 matrix - think of all the spill your upline will send below you!

You may have heard of ToolsTeam, it's the system used by the largest growing marketing team last year (half a million members).
This 2.0 version brings more tools and training than ever before to explode your downline.

You can use the powerful ToolsTeam tools on your very own site to promote whatever opportunity you're in.
Get your position locked in ahead of everyone else who's signing up, then email me back if you have any questions:

So many people are trying to pre-enroll we decided to throw this temporary
pre-enrollment form up to give you a head start.

The order people pre-enroll is the same order they'll be added to the matrix when we go live.

Filling in the form below locks in your position in pre-enrollment.

You have everything to gain and absolutely nothing to lose!
Yes, Lock in my pre-enrollment position right now!

First Name:
Last Name:
User Name:
I will NOT share your email address with anyone - ever.
I promise to respect your privacy and hate SPAM with a passion!
© 2013

Looking forward to great success!

[FREE WSO] $10000+Per Month With EXACT COPY & PASTE Ultimate Viral List Building Formula

[FREE WSO] $10000+Per Month With EXACT COPY & PASTE Ultimate Viral List Building Formula:

Step by Step Show you How to make money

You can free download my report today

you will get the high value tips:

How to create the High conversion viral squeeze page in 10 minutes

over 70% conversion rate,viral traffic,Automatically get more traffic and more subscribers

How to get 300+ high quality email subscribers daily

How to make money with the subscribers.

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"ToolsTeam 2.0 Pre-Enrollment!

"ToolsTeam 2.0 Pre-Enrollment!:

"This is ToolsTeam 2.0 Early Registration"

The longer you wait, the more people
join above you!

So many people are trying to pre-enroll
we decided to throw this temporary
pre-enrollment form up to give you a head start.

The order people pre-enroll is the same order
they'll be added to the matrix when we go live.

Filling in the form below locks in your position in pre-enrollment.

You have everything to gain and absolutely nothing to lose!
Yes, Lock in my pre-enrollment position right now!
First Name:
Last Name:
User Name:
I will NOT share your email address with anyone - ever.
I promise to respect your privacy and hate SPAM with a passion!

© 2013

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Wednesday 17 July 2013

PulseHover - New WordPress Plugin Triples Your Traffic By Compelling Visitors To Share Your Images On Social Media

PulseHover - New WordPress Plugin Triples Your Traffic By Compelling Visitors To Share Your Images On Social Media:

"PULSEHOVER" and why it was invented!

The most effective way of generating traffic to your websites/blogs is now through Social Media.  Google ranks very highly the popularity of a site through social signals.  So if you have good content that people are sharing, then you will become more popular.  The more people that share your content the more Google will like your site and the more profit you will make.

Also people like to share good content with their colleagues, friends, family and followers. They will all see your links and be able to like and share them with their followers.  This will have the snowball effect of your links becoming viral, as more and more people will be able to see your site and content. 

People who use Social Media, like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest.... often listen to friends and contacts that they have made on these sites and so are more likely to be confident in their friends' advice.  You will not only get more followers but also the right kind of followers, who are genuinely interested in buying your product.

The hard part is getting people to like your content, because they just have become blasé about share buttons and do not notice them any more, (as was the case with banners before). It is quite normal that when something is new it is extremely popular and people are fascinated by anything new on the market. As you know when we do the same things everyday we quickly become bored, (we are so spoilt!) 

This is where PulseHover comes in, at just the right time, as people are looking for something new to help them advertise their products, sites and blogs.  PulseHover enables you to surpass the problem of "like/comment//share-button-blindness", because it brings an innovative and extremely powerful system into play using IMAGES!

People love images and videos, you can see this by looking on any Social Media site page, especially Pinterest which is uniquely images, photos and videos!  The vast majority of content shared on sites like Facebook are images, so we thought well if that is what the people want, let's give them images! 

Well I have waffled on long enough and don't want to take up any more of your time so just play the video below and all will be clear to you! It really is a  great Plugin.  Enjoy.

CLICK HERE for your copy!

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