Tuesday 11 February 2014

100 Email Hacks

100 Email Hacks:

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At SaneBox, we’ve done lots of research and thinking on ways to get better at email, and compiled this list of 100 hacks (i.e. tricks, tips, apps, methods) which will let you get to Inbox Zero every day. Better yet, we’ve asked some of our friends, some of whom get even more email than you (VCs, journalists etc) to share their personal tips. You’ll find their opinions sprinkled throughout this book.....

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NHS: Don't sell our personal medical information to big corporations. | SumOfUs

NHS: Don't sell our personal medical information to big corporations. | SumOfUs:


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I've just found out the government is trying to sell our medical records to anyone that wants them.

Companies will be able to buy information on all of us from the NHS’s new patient database — including everything from mental health conditions,sexually transmitted infections and diseases like cancer linked to your postcode, gender and ethnicity.

We’ve all been opted in to the scheme by the government without our knowledge. The government has said they will upload the data in a matter of just a few weeks. If we’re going to stop this, we have to act now.

Tell Jeremy Hunt and the Department of Health not to sell our medical records.

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